~Ma Lil Me~

My photo
This is my little place of escape, filled with things I {much} love. I hope that it becomes a source of joy & inspiration for you too...

~Bloggies Archieve~

~welcome to ma gillblog~

Your comments make me happy dance!! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message! I try very hard to visit the blogs of all of my readers, but sometimes I don't know everyone who is a reader!! If you would like me to stop by your blog, please leave me your info!! I would love to come over and say hi!

~Anyway enjoy reading about me and my little life~



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

haila..ni post dalam draft masa aku 5 weeks..lani da 17 weeks..

~post ter peram~ ni mase baby baru 5 weeks..mula2 tau ade baby dalam perut :)
How Far Along: 5 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss: almost 3 lbs

Maternity Clothes: not yet but I cant wait!

Sleep: it seems to be where I am most, so tired all the time!

Best Moment of the Week: telling close friends and seeing how excited they get for us knowing how hard of a time we have had

Movement: not yet but cant wait

Food Craving: not much yet but pickles do sound and taste good

Food aversions: nothing

Morning sickness: a little nauseous but nothing too bad

Gender: not yet, we will find out in a about 15 or so weeks

Labor Signs: hopefully not for a long time

Belly Button: *.*

What I miss: having energy and not being so tired

What I'm looking forward to: our first ultrasound for this month *.*

Wisdom: "Do not worry about anything,instead, pray about everything"

Milestones: just finding out we are having a baby after all our wait, amazing!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Special gift from my Husband,for my BIRTHDAY :)

okey...as i mentioned before..dapat juge akhirnye *ipad 2*yang menjadi idaman..sgt2 surprise,sbb niat dihati nak beli sendiri,tp xde stok..kan..so delay2..naseb bek la xde stok..FOC dr mr Sayang lagi bagus :)

okey,positive preganant!!!yabeda beddu!!!!alhamdulillah..syukur alhamdulillah..*hadiah paling bermakna untuk tahun ni..

Wondering what I’m talking about? Well I will tell you…

I am pregnant..n tomorrow is ma B-day...

Yep, it’s out there now..I am 5 weeks 3 days pregnant...I’m writing this ahead it’s on May 21..

So this is another way,actually getting to announce it, because it’s making me crazy not to tell anyone..ngehh..rase macam nak bagitau 1 dunia..

Hubby knows of course..I told him da same day I took da test, which came back positive in less than 10 seconds..then,call ma mak,huhu,1st mak xcaye..ekeke..mak da nak jadik nenek,yohooooo...mak aku suh p klinik dlu mcm mane skalipun then baru puas hati..tp mak aku plak cakap..pregnancy test tu mmg da 99% betul..so?hehehe..aku da nangis2 terharu gile time tu..nangis sambil gelak..apekah gile kan?naim da heboh 1 opis,da gtau kat ma mother in law..akak2 ipar..sume..wah..laju kan..excited nye beliau nak jadi papa ye..:),mummy pun excited tau..

excited sgt2,,act..happyyy sgt2...lepas je makcik aku tau,terus die g post kat wall aku..since tat,non stop ramai yg wish mcm2..happy sgt2,Thank you to every single one of u who take da time out to read ma rambles, tweet me, facebook me, email me, bbm me...Thank you, thank you, thank you.hehehe...I'm so happy that tomorrow is ma birthday and I'm still living in this world..tahun ni mmg paling MEANINGFUL..surprise party yang sangat2 mmg buat aku terkejut..coz..i had no clue at all...plus..dpt lagi si sexy Paddy Pad 2 from ma husband,tp 27hb baru smpai Malaysia,delayed on shipping,so..mase surprise party baru ni aku baruje dapat smart cover.....n byk lagi gifts dari kwn2 yang len..gmbr2 sume aku masuk kat fb..kat blog,he3,tunggu eh..

so..urm,I am 5 weeks pregnant but what's happening in me? Right now, it's not outwardly obvious that I'm pregnant..da only physical change I can clearly see is... bigger boobies! Woohoo!HAHA! They're also a little sensitive, so Mr Papa has to be careful when hugging me…I'm also feeling more fatigued than usual..mengah..aku tataula ni mind set or wut..but da truth is mmg aku mcm cepat penat la..kat opis pun before aku check n da sah positive..esp si hanna,byk kali..dari naim baru balik dari PD die duk slalu ckp die pasan aku mcm swing..ehehe..so hanna,u kawen sekarang sbb u sangat pandai..ekeke..,pastu si Sharath, si ONYON…aka megan aka shasha..urm,si onyon dgn muka yg bersungguh-sungguh..kepelikan,tanye aku,okey x..okey x..napeni,nape ili..terharu kan..kan..kak nass..n si cik nen..sume nye pasan yang mcm ade yang xkena..

“iliey,u pasan x yang u skrg ni mcm swing je…mood u mcm susah nak bajet”

“iliey,nape u Nampak lain ek,mcm..diam je..u xhappy eh?”

“nikili..nape ni..nape ni..napeni..sinila..sinila..sembang la..citela..citela..”

“iliey,gambar mase surprise birthday party tu nmpk ko mcm pregnant sbb peluk ballon mcm tu..”

"iliey mengandung tu..die mengandung tu..* (masin mulut minah ni)~asyu

ade sorang kwn skola aku..si meen namenye..tetiba say hi kat chat fb,n tanye..ili,da pregnant eh?”

hebat kan dorang :)

happy sangat-sangat neh..but seriously,*I still can't believe da test came out positive.. I can't believe it because so many people told me they took a few tries to get it n this was our first proper try...So right now, I'm praying and hoping that da little one sticks around for da next 8-9 months!Alhamdulillah…syukur..semoga sumenye baik-baik aje..amin..doakan aku ye kawan2 sume..

so..ma whole world has changed…I'm suddenly aware that another life is dependent on me (dun worry baby,mummy jage baby betul2 tau)…n I've started making changes to ma diet,I've started eating more fruits (wasn't too keen on them before), I make sure I get ma daily dose of calcium, fresh fruits and veges…I drink lots of fluids and limit ma intake of tea and coffee…as per mak said..kena stop minum coke sume tu..makan yg berkhasiat je,jgn bagi perut kosong..sbb baby kena makan cukup,kak nass pun pesan..every month kena naik 1kg..woot woot..xpela,demi baby,aku xkisah jadik gemuk mane pun,janji nanti lepas deliver,pantang betul2..i adore u lyn...kalo ko tengok makcik ni,korang xkan caye da ade anak sorang..tau,slim gitu..tp mmg kena betul2 pantang..pantang sume okey.. :)thanks lyn..

so..lets cont..I know that at this stage da "baby" is still just an embryo n is about da size of an apple pip,(I can't eat apples now thinking about this!)~tipuje..ahaha...but I've started to visualize a happy n safe pregnancy, a safe labour and a healthy, happy child…I figured it's never too early to start bonding with da baby!wuthca say bila hati ni da berkobar-kobar gembira kan?hikhikhik..To ma wonderful family n friends,I want to extend a huge n heartfelt thank u..to u..yes u.. n ur prayers for me..Of all da things I have learned, is that I have a huge support network of people surrounding me...Thank u for ur concern, ur BBMs, ur emails, ur phone calls n just about a big hug for da support...

p/s:sangat-sangat terharu bila tengok husband,kawan-kawan baik menangis kegembiraan..sayang u all!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Surprise Birthday Party in advance!Love it!Thanks sayang...

yeayyy!happy birthday to me!!

thanks to ma MR SAYANG!Love u so much!

thanks to gang2 artis jugak..love u all!

hadiah terkumpul..ehehe..

paling surprise,i got this suppa cool ipad 2 smart cover,time surprise birthday party,ipad 2 tu xsampai ag..ehehe..

kesayangan :)

love it!

ni special dari boss..lepas tau aku positive pregnant :)

new PC from MAXIS sdn bhd,hehe..from Dell to Lenovo:)

from ma hubby juge..ehehe,*mantainance* da ade orang jaga afta getting married,lala..

from KPMC..thanks dr dayang :)

from kak nass sayang..act i dpt blouse yg cantik jugak..cume pitcha error,tatau nape..prob mase nak upload :( thanks kak nass!

from jujubes n mr jujubes,special mari from bandung,thanks sayang!

thanks ice and asyu sayang :)

thanks to Mr Sayang juge..ekeke... :)

hanna...seriously i sangat suka dengan Blook accessories ni!!thanks hanna sayang!

thanks sharath for de ice cream cake!sgt sedap!

thanks sayang for semua cake yang cute2 u belikan :)

thanks to ma team!

oso a big thanks to ma department!

14/05/2011~ There I was, coming home from a long day of work,cheh....(10-2pm ony)i'm thinking it was just going to be another lonely day until 6pm since naim ckp die kena p opis n maybe balik lmbt sbb nak kena monitor gang2 bangla n pakistan buat keje..tp aku okey saje sbb ade Coco, but...???when all of a sudden I get ambushed by what would turn out to be da best surprise party of all time!hahahaha...ketar jari jemari,n lutut mak nyah..hahaha..serius..bila tengok..ade byk ballon kat lantai..and ade gantung *HAPPY BIRTHDAY*kat wall...pergh..cmni asa usul citenye...mase kat opis,ieja ade tanye Mala "ade dpt email tu x,n nak pergi x"sumpah aku dengar tp mcm xbrape confident..cam..erm..lantakla..ade aku kisah..ekeke..pastu dgr si ieja on da phone ngan shasha,mmg betul aku bkn bz body ogey..tp kalo da kat floor baru 3 org..i mean,kat cubicle kitorang tu..aku rase semut kentut pun aku dengar(tipuje)hehehe...kan..dahla sore si karisma ni mcm pakai ~pembesar sore..haha..sorry ieja..inilah kenyataan..sore mak memang kuat nyah..haha...
pastu aku mcm..xpela..let go..sbb sptutnye aku kuar lepak ngn ieja n hanna kat pyramid then around 5 lepak ngn ice n asyu..tp tetiba hanna EL sbb nye sakit,ni buah tgn hanna dpt p men Disco Rollerblade kat subng avenue haritu,aku patutnye nk join,tp naim xkasi sbb aku demamxbaik2 agie..okey..so,hanna p hosp..ieja pun xjadik kuar lepak...then naim offer aku lepak kat opis ngn die..teman die buat report sume..aku mmg xleh masuk site sbb mmg xboleh la kan..then,aku gtau ieja sume settle lpas ieja ckp nk lepak umah die je..aku sms si dak ice, kate lam kul 4-5..aku okey je..sbb naim on je..bla bla..aku dgn perut yg lapar bbm cik abg sayag mintak beliau tapaukan luch kat sekichan..act aku ajak die lunch terusla..tp die kate nak tapau..tp nak makan kat umah..aku mcm..urm,okey..maybe keje die ade PIC len yg tlg..so,da masuk kete aku tanyela nape xde bau nasik n ikan bakar tu pun (sbb perut tgh lapar kan..)mase ni aku duk intai2 kat seat blkg..kosong..xde pun..ish pelik nye..pastu naim jwb la..die da anto umah sbb tadi die balik tukar baju dlu..aku mcm..urm..okey lagi...wah wah..propaganda kan?ekeke..aku mcm malas nak pikir..so da nak smpai umah...dari bawah aku dengar sore Coco miaw2..pelik..sbb die xkan bising melainkan ade org.so aku menyuarakan la perasaan pelik aku kat naim..erm.naim yg mmg sah xpandai menipu ni pun jawabler :alah...Coco miaw2 sbb dengar ade org kot...
aku mcm..hoh?tp aku pikir..ogey..maybe ade org bising buat renovation ke ape kan...
pastu die pass kunci umah yang ade ngan die kat aku..aku mcm..alahai..nape plak..ehehehe..sambil mencebik manja aku ambik..then.....
So I pushed open da door, n there they were,all ma frens just standing right there...haha..

SURPRISE!!!!!!!then dorang nyanyikan 'happy birthday to u....happy birthday to u,happy birthday to ilie,happy birthday to u........hahaha..serius mcm nak nangis..bila aku tgok muka naim..aku rasa mcm nak peluk die tanak lepas...erm...i love you so much sayang!!!!!!!!n to all my frens...thank u so much!!!!ilove u all guys!

*I am so blessed to have u sayang,to be frens wif da most amazing!I had no CLUE wut was goin on at all!I really love ma birthday party in advance!suppa surprise!sayang,u r successfully make me feel so touched,ILY!*

It was wonderful to be surrounded by all of da people (a few of ma frenza who live out of state n some who live out of country), who have impacted ma life on such a deep scale...da party itself and the ability to be with these people was a gift in itself...ilovemyHUSBAND...iloveHIMso much!!

p/s:pitcha nanti i upload lagi ye :) *time ni da preggy 5 weeks,tp xsedar..patutla mood saye sangatla swing!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

ma birthday wishlist!

It’s ma birthday next week! Hooray for cake, not-so-hooray for da aging part… Below is ma birthday wish list, in case u want to send me a little something-something kan kan...ekekeke.. I do love birthday gifts, I won’t lie...n as any shopaholic,da few latest items I’ve been coveting are slightly outrageous…!but its not necessary da latest 1la of course ~smiling I would also love to hear about ur birthday wish-lists! Is there anything that u would really love to get on ur birthday, that u would not buy for urself?
1.Ipad 2~I don't have to tell u that 9 1/2 out of 10 people would love to get an iPad 2 under their tree..n i am one of those people...woot woot!

2.Double Sticko Ring~or maybe single mithcy ring?I don't think I even have to say a word. I adore rings n double rings are even better,da important is..simple, sophisticated n very chic!homa!
3.Fujifilm Instax Mini 7S Rounded lines,yuhoo.., retro styling, n simple operation make this point n click great for parties, art projects, n nywhere i'd like to take instant photos...*pssst...

4.Colourful flats or wedges! i'm international size ~7 to 8 :p

5.Blackberry and Ipad 2 accessories~wink wink any perfumes *.*fine choco!

6.Movie passes!

7.A cat acceccories for CoCo,hehe,might be coco banana Free fine dining~LOL

BTW this is just ma WISH list ok...They're ma desires only... :)



Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello fellow earthlings! Had a gleeful weekend...how about u, lovely readers?Today I've decided to share with all, what I did last Sunday (even a week afta)!!oyeah!I'm not in da mood to do work...so I turn to blogging. =) Felt like writing about some random thoughts this morning... so..last saturday,lepas meeting (coco join meeting ogey),then terus zooop balik kampung..horray!stress la jugak bila mula2 Coco duk miaw miaw kat blkg...ngehh..ye,aku fhm...Coco mmg xsuke kena kurung..tp kitorang xlunch lg,so kalo lepas die camne nak kuar mkn..kang kalo terlepas ke tgah jln kene langgor ngn lori ke kete ke?canne?so,nk memudahkan lagi keje,memandangkan kitorang da de baby kan....muahaha..kami drive thru Burger King saje...then lps da mkn suap2 lam kete tu,Coco da tertido lps kena marah ngn naim..ekeke..da half way bru die trjga maybe sbb da boring tido..coco miaw miaw lagi..kalini aku terus kuarkan die..so ape lagi..happy la si Coco tu.. :)
CoCo nye entry coming soon bebeh :)
Da sampai umah mcm biasa la..sembang2…makan2,lepak2..sume suke kan Coco..itu yg penting..hehe..pastu,aku duk lepak je kat umah ngn mak aku,tggu azffar n momma nye dtg..duk p mai p mai umah tokwan aku masa tengahari..kenyang perut dan rasa sgt puas hati dapat makan IKAN SINGGANG+BUDU+ULAM-ULAMANG & AIR SIRAP ALA2 ORG KAWEN..HEHEHE..semangat makan saing ngn makcik2 aku,ayah,mak n adik2..seronok sangat..adik ipar aku pun ade join skali..sbb si sepu tu duk layan dota ngn adik2 aku..si omey n miyo... Cool huh? Pas lunch si yanyan roger2 ajak lepak…oyeahhh!mr husband aku okey saje sbb beliau mmg sgtlah sporting !!!So dapat la melepak sesame..ade dylla,wani n yan..pulun karok lps crik ink opis yank at Pc fair!haisy,sepanjang lam kete,sampai da nak balik xhilang2 gelak kami sume..mase tu rase mcm urat geli hati dah terputus kot..hahaha…duk gelak aje..sambil duk bergossip ape yang perlu…gelak lagi dan lagi dan lagi..tmbh sonok kalo si nora n maidatul ade join,kangkang....Xpe next time eh .. p/s:len kali kite lepak lagi.. ..
*Every pitcha tells a story!!!we r so happy on tat day!!love u guys!!!
YAMANILANOLIE frenship foreva!

wanie+dylla+me,ilie & yan!

comelness rite!!!auwww!