~Ma Lil Me~

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This is my little place of escape, filled with things I {much} love. I hope that it becomes a source of joy & inspiration for you too...

~Bloggies Archieve~

~welcome to ma gillblog~

Your comments make me happy dance!! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message! I try very hard to visit the blogs of all of my readers, but sometimes I don't know everyone who is a reader!! If you would like me to stop by your blog, please leave me your info!! I would love to come over and say hi!

~Anyway enjoy reading about me and my little life~



Thursday, October 13, 2011

TEH TARIK dilarang untuk ibu mengandung!

I feel like some kind of dragon who could spit fire out of her mouth...it's horrible!! No matter what I eat or when I eat it, I always feel a burning sensation that I just can't deal with....maybe becoz of TEH TARIK time brekpes ngn big boss tadi… haisy..
baby Gaby oso has been extremely active…She punches and kicks all day long n I can barely sleep at night…I'm still peeing a million times a day, but I guess that's not so bad since I drink so much water during da day.
I have had a lot of *difficulty breathing*
I get very uncomfortable at night and also some weird nausea in ma sleep…Besides that, baby Gaby is pressing down ma bladder n I have to pee constantly...not fun!
A couple of days ago I felt horrible…I think she assumed a strange position and was making it very hard for me to breathe…I started to feel very dizzy a
My belly is still growing n it is very itchy…I'm hoping time starts to speed up because this is getting exhausting!!!!cant wait for it :)

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