~Ma Lil Me~

- ~nikilikhairunnisa love mohdnaim~
- This is my little place of escape, filled with things I {much} love. I hope that it becomes a source of joy & inspiration for you too...
~Bloggies Archieve~
~welcome to ma gillblog~
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Vomitting has dissapeared,but....ehehehe..
TEH TARIK dilarang untuk ibu mengandung!

I feel like some kind of dragon who could spit fire out of her mouth...it's horrible!! No matter what I eat or when I eat it, I always feel a burning sensation that I just can't deal with....maybe becoz of TEH TARIK time brekpes ngn big boss tadi… haisy..
baby Gaby oso has been extremely active…She punches and kicks all day long n I can barely sleep at night…I'm still peeing a million times a day, but I guess that's not so bad since I drink so much water during da day.
I have had a lot of *difficulty breathing*
I get very uncomfortable at night and also some weird nausea in ma sleep…Besides that, baby Gaby is pressing down ma bladder n I have to pee constantly...not fun!
A couple of days ago I felt horrible…I think she assumed a strange position and was making it very hard for me to breathe…I started to feel very dizzy a
My belly is still growing n it is very itchy…I'm hoping time starts to speed up because this is getting exhausting!!!!cant wait for it :)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
~ma DOA n WISH for u~

Rabbi habli miladunka zuriatan tayiba, inaka sami u doa’. ‘Ya Allah kurniakanlah kami zuriat yang terbaik, sesungguhnya Kau mendengar doa kami’.
1. Bismillaahir rahmaanir rahiim 2. Alhamdu lillaahi rabbilâaalamiin 3. Allaahumma shalli alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad 4. Thibbil quluubi wadawaaihaa 5. Waâ aafiyatil abdaani wa syifaa ihaa 6. Wanuuril abshaari wa dhiyaa ihaa 7. Waquutil arwaahi wagidzaa ihaa 8. Waâ alaa aalihi washahbihi wabaarik wa sallim 9. Allaahummahfazh waladaha maa daama fii bathihaa 10. Wasyifihii maâ a ummihi antasysyaafii laa syifaaa illaa syifaa uka syifaa an laa yugoodiru saqoman 11. Allahumma shawwirhu fii bathnihaa shuurotanhasanatan 12. Watsabbit qolbahu iimaanan bika wabiraa suulika 13. Allaahumma akhrijhu min bathni ummihi waqta walaadatihaa sahlan wasaliiman 14. Allahummajâ alhu shahiihan kaamilan waâ aaqilanhaa dziqan waâ aalimanâ aamilan 15. Allahumma thawwil umrahu washahhih jasadahu wahassin khuluqohu wafashshih lisaa nahu 16. Wa ahsin shautahu li qiraa atil hadiittsi wal qurâ aan 17. Warfaâ darojatuhu 18. Wawasiâ rijqahu 19. Wajalhu insaanan kaamilan saaliman fiddunya wal aakhirah 20. Bibarakati sayyidinaa Muhammaddin shallallaahuâ alaihi wasallam wal hamdu lillahi rabbilâ aalamiina Aamin, aamin aamin yaa robbal aalamin
Ertinya: 1. Dengan menyebut nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang 2. Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan seru sekalian alam 3. Ya Allah tambahkanlah kesejahteraan kepada penghulu kami Nabi Muhammad SAW 4. Sebagai pengobat dan penawar hatiku 5. Penyehat dan penyegar badanku 6. Sebagai Sinar dan cahaya pandangan mata 7. Sebagai penguat dan santapan rohani 8. Dan kepada keluarganya dan para sahabatnya berikanlah keberkahan dan keselamatan 9. Ya Allah semoga Engkau lindungi bayi ini selama ada dalam kandungan ibunya 10. Dan semoga Engkau memberikan kepada bayi dan ibunya Allah yang memberi kesehatan. Tidak ada kesehatan selain kesehatan Allah, kesehatan yang tidak diakhiri dengan penyakit lain 11. Ya Allah semoga Engkau ciptakan bayi ini dalam kandungan ibunya dengan rupa yang bagus 12. Dan semoga Engkau tanamkan hatinya bayi ini iman kepadaMu ya Allah dan kepada Rosul Mu 13. Ya Allah semoga Engkau mengeluarkan bayi ini dari dalam kandungan ibunya pada waktu yang telah ditetapkan dalam keadaan yang sehat dan selamat 14. YA Allah semoga Engkau jadikan bayi ini sehat, sempurna, berakal cerdas dan mengerti dalam urusan agama 15. Ya Allah semoga Engkau memberikan kepada bayi ini umur yang panjang, sehat jasmani dan rohani, bagus budi perangainya dan fasih lisannya 16. Serta bagus suaranya untuk membaca hadist dan Al Quran 17. Dan tinggikanlah derajatnya 18. Dan luaskanlah rizkinya 19. Dan jadikanlah bagi manusia yang sempurna selamat di dunia dan akhirat 20. Dengan berkahnya Nabi Muhammad SAW dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan seru sekalian alam
Dear Baby...
I hope to teach u that beauty always comes first from who we are, on da inside. Appearance n da way we carry ourselves can never turn ugly faster than when we act ugly from da inside..Sometimes people won't like u. And that is okay....u will never please everyone, n until u learn this, u will waste a lot of time trying to fulfill an image u see to be true in someone else's eyes...I hope to teach u to never be ashamed of who u are..."Be who u are, n say what u feel...coz those who mind, don't matter, n those who matter, don't mind." One day I will teach u to write n speak beautiful words...Ones that come from ur heart, n in turn, touch other people's hearts in da process....I will teach u to never compare who u are, what u have, or how u look to anyone around u...To be kind, thoughtful, compassionate, n caring towards every one n thing u come across...Every ant, leaf, person or thought deserves da same respect u wish to attain for urself....We have so much love to give u sayang....n for now, we are getting used to saying "our daughter."i love u sayang...
mummy n papa
Monday, October 10, 2011
from 1st trimester until now.... :)

When we talk bout pregnancy,of coz,len orang,len alahan..lain rasa..lain size..lain pantang kan..coz..every pregnancy is unique..It varies between individuals n for da same individual..it may vary each time u conceive.I'd read a few mommies' experience,dgr org cite n some I can relate to... So here are mine…I only have 3 months before due date…hehe…kejap je rasa..so I'd better up da whole journey all in one go..check it out! Alhamdulillah, I would consider maself lucky as ma 1st trimester was very gentle on me…There was minor nausea, but I think I still okey nak bandingkan ngn mak dulu2..alahan sgt teruk smpai boleh makan apple hijau n burger saje..but I slipped easily into boredomla, I find everything membosankan!Buat semua benda tak kena as I don't feel right doing anything n I couldn't get things right when I do something...ade je yg xkena..mood pon swing,(sorry eh syg,mmg awal2 pregnant I sgt malas nk menggodek dan xlarat nk berjimba2..thanks to u sbb sgt2 faham..dan sgt2 byk membantu,thanks sbb kemas2 kan umah,masak n buat sume keje yg ptutnye i buat ,I tau..bukan sume lelaki boleh jadi suami mcm u..i love u naim!n luckily..2nd trimester is pretty heavenly..da selera sket even xmampu nk makan banyak..now I'm in the 3rd,it's all different journey (with da *comel* little us inside me)…now I sgt rajin nak kemas rumah,nak cantik2 kan umah,sgt2 xboleh duduk diam..suka masak n try mcm 2 recipe…hehehe…but da worst thing about 1st trimester until now was da fatigue…balik keje,lps mandi smyg,trus tido..sgtlah awal..sometimes nangis sbb lenguh2..mr husband pon risau..kesian beliau,sorry eh sbb cengeng..ehehe…I noticed I akan sakit badan/sendi bila tak bergerak...sengal2..so I have to move all da time,now,kat opis,bila petang je sakit pinggang sbb menghadap PC je dr pagi….time tido,katil mmg penuh dgn bantal..ahahah..haila..mcm2 kan..but I believe tat,mmg sume yg preggy msti ade msg2 pnya style :) now still da same..fatigue,cumanya..da boleh stay up sampai 12 mcm tu,layan movie sume…da boleh start mengaji n baca yassin,xmcm dlu..tengah smyg pon *bluekk bluekk..tp yg xbest..da 3rd trimester ni tengah sedap tido,tetiba cramp…uih,sakitnye sgt2 la xdpt nk cope..mr husband akan bangun,tlg urut slow2 until ok,kdg2 cepat,kdg2 lmbt,padahal,before pregnant xprnah kenal ape itu CRAMP..hohohoho…Doc kate sbb kurang calcium,kena banyakkan minum susu,so now I da start makan calcium (tablet) n calcium (yoghurt)..nak minum susu??oh noo…xdpt..even before ni aku juara minum susu,tp da preggy,ape jadi?? ><”Yg paling aku duk gila2 sekarang,air kelapa..fuhhh…hari2 naim akan belikan aku air kelapa..sedap,bagus jgk sbb dalam air kelapa pon ade calcium :)
Soklan paling common org tanye aku…bila mengandung ni..TIDO CAMNE?Act I simply can't sleep. Sometimes ngantuk gila tapi takleh lelap. sometimes I was so tired I slept as early as 9pm, tp terjaga midnite, dah takleh tido sampai pukul 3. Terjaga tapi tak larat nak buat apa2. Kot la boleh mengemas or do some laundry or ironing ke apa kan? Terkebil2 je atas katil sambil main BB,mase pregnant,earlier stage aku lansung xpandang Ipad ok..sgt malas nak menggodek nye,padahal,before dapat bukan men excited,now barula sebok godek2…. Haha…pasal mimpi2 pon boleh tahan mengarutnya. Rasa macam tidur bayi yang terganggu sbb bila pagi, malas bangun & cranky…hehehe.. :PMakan plak mcm mane?Menangis sebab sangat mengidam nak makan asam pedas n sambal belacan mak..apekan nasib,time tu mak pon balik kampong..xde kat umah :( cite pasal makan ni,1st trimester n 2nd trismester, I was so in love with fish…Bukan ikan dlm bentuk ikan, but more like laksa, sandwich tuna mcm tu..Dislikes chicken, loves meat & fruits!sangat susah sbb xleh bau n masuk even dengar or Nampak KFC,MCD,BURGER KING or sume yg sewaktu dgnnya sbb akan loya gila!malam2 xleh nak tapau makan kat luar sangat,so sangatlah bertuah sebab MR HUSBAND PANDAI MASAK,so beliau la yg masakkan setiap,thanks syg…erm..so far..awal2..I don't fancy anything sweet…But I can't resist carbonated drinks, before pregnant was not so into it..tp ni da masuk 3rd trismester..hehe,magnum icecream mcm nak hari2,now dlm fridge mmg ade choc icecream..sgt jatuh cinta dgn choc cake Dato’harun..pergh….melting~1st trimester until now jugak, whatever I drank, didn't go through my digestive system. Minum air, terus air tu masuk bladder. I had to go to the toilet every 5 minutes. Ok tipu. But it was more or less like that…hahaha,yelah..xboleh tahan kencing..nanti dpt urine effection.. :pBaju plak??? Since ma bump was not so big, I got to wear ma daily working sampai sekarang,da masuk 6bulanmak pesan..~belilah mengikut saiz yang sepatutnya - sbb u might not grow as big as u think u would..ngehh..now,I byk beli legging,sbb sluar sgt xslesa nk pakai yg biasa sbb I nye size before ni 26-27..lani xdptla..act baju pony g xs,s xdpt pakai jugk..unless yg stretchable..okey saje..smlm je baru dug out my closet, rupanya banyak baju cantik yang sesuai dipakai lagi... :)
erm,abes pasal baju,makan,alahan,bla bla..now pasal planning bot our newborn..its neva too soon to start rite ..lalala..xsabar nk shopping more for baby :) tp ape yg duk kitorang duk pikir2 skrg adalah pasal sape nak jaga baby??><'Should we hire a maid?Full time/ part time?
Is it necessary?Do we have any other options?Since i got to know that i'm pregnant, having a maid or ‘makcik yg boleh jaga baby’ is one of the major thing that occupies my mind.... how can we cope with a ..1. Resignhmmmm.... for some reason, some husbands/wifes prefer this option the best as the mother will always be the best caretaker of their children.... * the thought of me resigning is not an option... at least not now.. :) money is one thingla,sbb keje senang,gaji ade..keje plak bukan yg kena bawak balik umah,even nak kena pikir balik umah pn..... more important, i don't think i can live without working... :) without earning ma own money.... without having my own circle of life/ friends,budak2 opis,akak2 sume sangat2 la baik tau,mmg xmungkin aku brenti :) .... – 2. Mak jaga??Firstly, i need to say this... i'm blessed and grateful to have a MIL..who is very caring in a lot of ways... just like ma mum... :) so.. i'm not gonna take advantage of this...- Fact: No nenek in this world will say NO to jaga cucu... seriously... if we ask, definitely she'll say YES! ok, let's say we do send the baby to her... meaning by 9am, she will need to feed him, bath him, burp him and bla bla bla... until 6pm! everyday! i don't think i have a heart to let her do that... mcm xnak susahkan mak!plus,mak sngat active dgn projek kraftangan beliau..kalo ade cucu nanti bolehke die nak teruskan hobi menggodek2 bunga dan sebagainya?urmm…tp mak memang da offer dari awal,xnak cucu kena buli kat taska n org yg tak kenal jaga katenye..urm..mcm mane ni…3. Leave the baby at nursery - So many cases of baby died while in nursery! scarrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!ni nak kena carik betul2..haila..untie depan umah plak non muslim,pon ade offer nak jaga..tp mmg a BIG NO la kan.. 4. Hire a maidSo many scary stories too... runaway maid and etc...- Mostly indonesian maid hor... hmm... how about Cambodian maid? not many horror stories yet hor...dear all.. please be informed that all the above facts/ thoughts are merely from me, myself and i... you are not obliged to follow... and those thoughts and decision are made to cater to ma needs.. ma situation... other people might not find ma solution is da best.. so feel free to explore ur own options... but think wise... with ur HEAD, not your HEART! *wink* don't be selfish and not to lenient either! if you have other suggestions/ opinions in mind... feel free to share as well... i think it would help a lot of new parents to be to cope with this situation....
another thing is....
Mama, Mummy, Umi, Ibu, Mak or What should I call maself to ma lil baby nnt? Hihihi...It sounds weird tho as I'm going to be a mom tak lama lagi... excitednye coz now ma turn to call maself those miracle words nie..if lani panggil mak,'mak' n MIL 'ma'husband dah start calling ourself as;me ---> mummyhusband ---> papa
i suke 'mummy'...It sounds like comelness je membahasakan diri mummy.. Like mcm manja2 gitu...And I like if my husband bahasakan diri dia papa!
.. So, it would be something like "Hi baby...mummy and papa tak sabar nak jumpa baby nanti.."hohoho..sungguh panjang entry kalini..lalala....I'd better continue in the next post..ekekek..
Dear Baby,Papa and mummy tak sabar nak tunggu baby.. We always chitchat how baby will look like.. more to papa,or mummy..hehehe..hihihi.. never mind.. take ur time.. we'll see u this January ok.. InsyaAllah...Love,mummy & papa :* mmuaahh!