~Ma Lil Me~

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This is my little place of escape, filled with things I {much} love. I hope that it becomes a source of joy & inspiration for you too...

~Bloggies Archieve~

~welcome to ma gillblog~

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~Anyway enjoy reading about me and my little life~



Monday, February 21, 2011


All I did today after woke up was have a relaxing bath, then shower, washed out that terrible straight hair I kept for 2 days, dried ma hair, washed da dishes, irons some clothes n now I'm blogging... I am pretty hungry, hmmm... sedapnye nasi goreng TONG YANG...pergh...sedap yg sgt2..ikutkan plan sebenar,mau bgun lambat sket...tp xdpt nk tdo da...aku rsa sbb terlalu penat kot..2 days before Gabai,da balik almost 1am..settle n buat mcm2...kesian cik abg aku..kena join n tggu skali..thanks abg..penat shopping brg2 nk p Gabai..tp seriously sgt sonok hang out bsama c Megan aka Shasha n Hannah Aka Montana..mereka sgtla *mcm-mcm...men masak2 bersama2 untuk picnic tu..tp ade rsa sedih sket sbb,cik abg aku xdpt join sbb beliau kena settlekan highway project...tp xpe..next time kite p waterfall sesame eh..tp of coz bkn gabai lagi..no more...haha..i've been told many times that I'm lazy... I agree too, I am pretty lazy...then smlm..tangga kat Gabai tu aku rasa 1 kekejaman..hahaha..gile tinggi..


550 anak-anak tangga..wut da scary stairs!

okeyla..fine..sbb cantik kan..tp..cantiknye just waterfall aje..surrounding?ho ma...gile kotor.. KOTOR..LALAT toksah ckpla..smpai perut lapar pun jdik kenyang sbb keadaan xbrape nk MOLEK..pencemaran..alam semulajadi yg sgtla cantik telah dicemari lalat yg sgt la jijik..besar kot..haisy..ingatkan masuk kena bayar tu..okeyla..hampeh..tp bayar pun singgit je..tp still bayar..smlm kitrang sume da 30 org..xkan la pakcik2 sume xdpt collect byk2 untuk bersihkan t o i l e t...huhu..bkn aku sorang yg merungut....sume.nk tukar baju pun..ish..hanna ngn aku tukar baju sume kat surau..bersih la sket....shasha xtukar baju sbb mmg die just men2 air mcm tu je..tupun,puas aku duk pujuk turun lepak bawah..smpaila berjaya..o yeah..(sampaila ade katak melompat kat suar aku)
Sungai Gabai Waterfall

tp puas hati sbb waterfall..da flow of water tu sgtla cantik..

Sungai Gabai Waterfall

tp sbb ade lalat besar..dr kitorang lapar pun jdik xde selera (terlalu byk sampah sarap+sampah masyarakat kat sane..haisy..)..plus sbb kitorang da kekurangan energy da kot..da 2-3 malam before trip da pulun berjimba2..hish..
then...da best part..jmpa member aku c Pali..syg sbb naim xdtg..kalo x,boley lepak sesame..kan..erm..tp smlm enjoy la kalo aku tolak tepi sume pollution issues..hehe..mandi manda..berenang2 ketepian..hehe..da water at da falls are really cold..sejukk..sejukkk...

ni adelah sebahagian pencemaran..tp ni adelah pencemaran..otak mase aku kat Gabai..heh heh..
*ade org (perempuan ye kwn2) yg QUESTION MARK KENAPA AKU MANDI XBUKAK SHAWL...ish ish..*
kalola yg tanye tu mmg free hair..or non muslim..aku xkisah..(tp aku rasa kalo mmg dorang free hair n mmg non muslim pun fhm kot aku mandi xbkak shawl..kan..)kwn2 aku c shasha n c hanna yg lagi cool ni yg p gabai ni skali ni pun pelik canne ade pmpuan yg bertudung Quest Mark nape aku pkai shawl time mandi??

pelik x?pelik kan...sebab..yg bertanye tu mmg yg X SUKA n DENGKI ngn aku dr kecik..haisy..xanes..ko BERDOSA ke kalo aku mandi pakai shawl..kalo aku free hair MACAM KO..aku dpt PAHALA lebey ke wei..kalo ko xpuas hati aku pkai shawl smlm,n maybe sbb aku lebih cantik dr ko kan..dtg je n ckp depan2 memandangkan mmg kite da dekat2 je..malu ke..takutke..pelikla..xabis2 nak dengki ngn aku smpai aku jaga aurat aku pun ko nak ambik kisah..ape jenis pempuan la ko ni..dengki ko ngn aku smpai mcm xde ape nk dengki pun ko ambik kisah pasal aku kan..ish2..naseb bek mak ayah,mentua aku,suami aku mmg xpernah ajar aku QUESTION MARK bila nmpk pempuan pakai shawl time swimming ke..apeke..kejutan budaya kah?act..aku taula..there are a few people in ma life who pull at ma strings n really don't want to see me happy....aku tau sape..yelah,kalo x..xkan sanggup wish SEMOGA BERBAHAGIA SAMPAI MATI..masa majlis perkahwinan aku,sarcastic gile kan minah ni....(ingat sendiri la kan..mestila ko ingat ape yg ko wish kat aku kan..)sedey bercampur tertanye2..bila ko nk berubah...sedangkan aku jemput ko dtg tu sbb aku mmg ingat ko da OKEY..tp malangnye..ish3...
n I know who is she..n who they are...
I'm sure everyone has a few, or maybe just a couple if u're lucky, people who they try not to see u happy because of many things..DENDAM,DENGKI....n so on..
i admit that..I have pleanty of garbage in ma life...sia2 je kalo aku je nak berbaik..nak pikir positif kalo ko xpernah nak hargai pun relationship kite...xpela..i don't need to keep it all .. From today,aku xmo da ingat kenangan2 mase2 kecik tu..buang masa aku,n from now aku nk jimat memory space aku untuk ma happy life!wif ma L O V E Y L Y one.......
*What kind of friend is that huh,asking ma self..but no aswer..coz..this is a real life..mmg rmaai backstabber,sbb lebih ramai yg akan dengkikan dgn ape yg kita miliki berbanding turut berbahagia mendoakan... "One" that i just don't need... anyway, that's that...time to move on...maybe ko akan sedar 1 hari nanti..erm...

okey....da abes pasal makhluk yg sgt menghairankan sebab ckp or maybe bertanye dgn penuh sarcastic *MANDI PAKAI TUDUNG?aku pakai shawl...bukan tudung saji..jdi,toksahla heran sgt...even kalo KO PERNAH P BALI pun..ade je MALAY ke,foreigner ke TAK DEDAH AURAT mcm ko..setakat p GABAI..toksala..wat malu diri sendiri je sbnrye soklan ko tu tau x,member2 aku lain yg mmg FREE HAIR pun xtanye aku..apela masalah ko sbnarye..sampai bila la ko nak mengharap HAK AKU,jadi milik ko..YA ALLAH..buka kanlah pintu hati beliau..amin..same2 kite doakan ye semua..

ogey..back to Gabai...nasi dagang+nasi minyak+nasi goreng TONG YANG,macaroni..+cakessss+sandwich+coke+fruits+mee goreng wandi's!byk makanan n smpai boley tapau..bg cik abg makan skali..kenyang n lepas mandi terus tido...indahnye dunia....
but attention to u guys.. I wouldnt recommend using da toilet … it’s kinda dirty & very unhygenic *yuck* i didnt change while i was up there …
p/s:gambar2 lain akan di up later.. :)


  1. manusia yg busuk atie,ili...xboley tgok org laen lbey dari kite...wat sakit otak je pk org mcm tu..kite xrugi ape2 pun..kan...kan...dan act die t'sgt la jeles coz u r so beautiful mrs.naim....pkai shawl time mandi manda pun nak sebok,kan..sbb ape?sbb busuk atie...**okay act xtau kesah sbnr tp dpt rse dat gurl sgt la annoying**

  2. per ler masalahnyer dgn 'org itu' yer aghknye,,bkn de paedahnyer dengki kt org,,,lain kali klo dier tnye cam2 lgi ili ko bungkus jer ngn shawl ko tu,,then cmpk kt waterfall tu,,haahahaha,,bru senyap sikit mulut dier,,,kahkah,...

  3. cik besan:pempuan ni act xpuas hati dr dulu ag sbb die sgt2 dengki kat aku..dr kecik bestpren but now..edy declared as a nemesis..wut da furr...aku tataula die fhm ke x ape aku tulis sbb die mmg jenis susah nk faham bahasa...

    naz:tula kan..len kali kalo aku jmpa die lagi,aku bungkus terus eh....cdgn yg bagus tu,hukuman bg org2 yg mengutuk aku pakai shawl masa mandi..

  4. hai laaa...cmne bestfren sggup dan tegamak busuk atie kat bestfren sndri...org mcm ni pun ade ke...kalau aku la,aku akn sgt hepy dan bahagie bile tgok my bestfren bahagie..doa la byk2 spye umah tangge terhindar dr hasad dengki manusie gini..org xpaham bahase gitu kite patot bako je..kite bako...bako...

  5. cik besan:aku suke aku suke..sape setuju..buat tgn mcm ni..hahahaha...utulah..memamng xfhm..ni saje aku gune bahasa..kang xfhm plak english nye..

    *itulah pentingnye english education..hahaha..

    ni bkn kwn baik da..da declare as nemesis da..
