~Ma Lil Me~

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This is my little place of escape, filled with things I {much} love. I hope that it becomes a source of joy & inspiration for you too...

~Bloggies Archieve~

~welcome to ma gillblog~

Your comments make me happy dance!! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a message! I try very hard to visit the blogs of all of my readers, but sometimes I don't know everyone who is a reader!! If you would like me to stop by your blog, please leave me your info!! I would love to come over and say hi!

~Anyway enjoy reading about me and my little life~



Thursday, March 1, 2012

Assalamualaikum n a very happy Thursday to you, you, and you!

*Wipes off dusts on this blog* heee.. here I am, fresh n super duper excited to welcome da new month with a new blogpost hee! How have ya'll been doing? Goshhh I miss blogging so much! I just want to let u all know that february has been nice to me, n I hope march will be even better! I've learnt so much in da past month, which includes, whatever happens, family comes first, n nothing can ever break a family tie... n there is room for improvement, everyday! Learn from ur mistakes n move on with a better spirit in ur heart..chewaaaahh..
act,bulan ni agak sedih sikitla sebab,me terpaksa berjauhan dengan keisha..aurghhh,kalaula dapat bawak baby p office :)
tp takpe,mak pesan..bila kita sedih,jangan terlalu fikirkan 'rasa sedih tu'sama mcm bila kita sakit..kalo kita makin fikir..makin sakit,makin sedih...*tear drops...
okeh..xpela..keisha bukan jauh sgt pon,4jam dah smpai,kalau papa jadi ambik moto tu,mommy rela rempit even 3 hari sekali pon..ape ade hal kan papa..barula lg cepat kurus..tehehehe..takpe,janji sayang mommy n papa selamat kat sana..memang 1000% xcaye lansong kat taska..maid lagi toksah cakap la kalo xde sesape nak monitor..cctv?urghhh...boleh blah la..bibik sekarang bukan bodo2 alam punye..hmmm,dari menangis kemudian hari...baiklah aku menangis even hari2 just sebab keisha jauh sket..insyaallah,keisha selamat ngn wan mommy n papa,baba n aki kat sane k..syg keisha!now keisha tengah tido,bru lepas shower n susu..bkn nk bangga ngn anak sendiri ke ape,tp alhamdulillah,keisha sgt senang dijaga..alhamdulillah..even die xtdo mata kelip2 pon,die cde nak mngis ke ape ke..setakat harini la..semoga anak mommy sentiasa jadi anak yang baik..solehah..dan bijak pandai eh...mmmuaaahh!sayam sket!around 14 or 15 nt dah start keje balik..sedikit rasa malas..ehehehe..dah lame sangat cutinye..a month before due date,n 2 months afta deliver...toki doki aku kat umah..so,rutin akan back to normal...keje..keje keje..harap dpt kurus dgn lebih cepat...sebelom majlis berendoi keisha..hmmm..i hope so..act last month agak menaikkan darah jugak sbb BB lame aku rosak..keypad *so u guys boleh teka nape keypad boleh rosak..?hehehe...2 hari rosak gile selebet aku xdpt nk BBM bla2..naim bwk p repair,tp kan..kan..kan..lepas repair tu ade org tu belikan kita BB baru,hehehe..even black kaler pon,syg suke..sukee sgt!kesian plak kat en suami selepas mendapat tahu bahawasanya si isteri tak berapa berkenan dgn black kaler,so nextweek si suami akan bawa isteri carik BB white kaler jugak,tehehehe...terima kasih sayang...so yg black kaler si suami akan gune since BB si suami pon ade org nak beli... :)
so for this month..wuttodo??
Devoting maself to Allah, be a better Muslimah, n recite da Quran as much as I can..insyaallah..Catch up on ma reading,Read, read, read n brush up on ma vocabs .sign up in a gym n get fit..ma target!!!!!ma target...45 kg!now 55kg..cepat lah dapat 45 tu..sobbs..hmm..
last month ramai sangat kawan2 yg dtg tgok keisha..again..mcm xcye sbb dah jadi mommy..n i love to be called 'mommy' okeh...even dah jadi mommy pon..me still da same person who loves karaoke,chitchatting,gossiping n everything ing ing thingy!who loves LOVE,n who loves LMFAO (secretly..hehehe), n so much more...Yeah, yeah, you get the idea, right? Sorry for party rockin'. Okay I really need to stop listening to LMFAO now.. hahaha..ni naim pon ala2 tatau sgt..sbb nye,bila dgr skli ngn die esp dlm kete,die yg mcm trlbih suke ngn lagu ni,so,i just buat2 biasa je la..agagaga..okey motif????

harini dah hari yang ke48 act..urm,hari yang ke 45 naim dah bawak me n keisha jalan2,xkemana pon,p mines 1jam 44min,keisha sungguh baik..xde nak merengek ke ape,time kitorang singgah makan pon die boleh tido ngn nyenyaknye dalam stroller * (tq aunty ice n asyu hadiahkan stroller untuk keisha) even bising gile....alhamdulillah..balik tu singgah umah mak rose,melawat mak rose..sedih bila tgok muka beliau,harap2 mak rose diberikan kekuatan untuk menempuhi segalanya..semoga diberikan ketabahan..kecekalan untuk hari2 yang mendatang...insyaallah..sedih sbb aku dah anggap mak rose mcm mak sendiri,yelah,mase preggy dlu,die suke tanye ade mengidam nak mkn pape x..mesti nak masakkan..Ya Allah..Kau makbulkanlah doaku Ya Allah..alhamdulillah,lepas bwk jmpa keisha tu,rasa happy sgt sbb mak rose cakap keisha budak baik,cantik..pandai..mulut orang tua kita kan doa..?insyaallah...
before singgah umah mak rose smpat shopping kat secret place dlu,puas hati tp mau pergi lagi...tq papa sebab tengokkan keisha mase mommy tengah lepas gian shopping eh :) *agak menyesal sket online shopping terlalu banyak... vs now tak sabar nak dapat kan sume item :O xde ape nak update da..
Alright then

i'll be back.

Friday, February 10, 2012

With Allah swt help and blessings, I`m confident 2012 will be a GREAT year!!!!! *

p/s:In telling ma story, I don’t want to turn pregnant ladies off because I think da story is still a good one...Good not only because I have a healthy n happy baby, but also good because I learned a lot that might be useful for expecting moms..so here we go..

I had an all-natural birth n I thought it was awesome!BUT... because I think natural-birth is great, doesn't mean that it's for everyone..janji selamat..xkisah c-sec or normal..janji both mommy ngan baby selamat dan sihat...end disclaimer and on with da story..It all started in da early hours of Saturday, January 14...tp sehari sebelom tu dah start ade contractions n dah start bleeding..terus call naim suh balik :)

So here`s what`s going on sepanjang *detik2 nak lahirkan baby keisha :)

January 14

Around 4:00 a.m. ma contractions started. I'd been feeling a little bit "crampy" da day before, but didn't really think anything of it, since it wasn't painful....cuma bangun kencing dah berapa kali tak terkiralah kan,sampaikan bila aku dah duk lame sgt dlm toilet,ayah dah bising kt luar...syg sungguh ayah kat anak die ye..hehehe,naim pon gelisah sgt,risau aku dah start sakit..plus die berdebar nnti nak masuk labour room skli..lalala...I sent a text to ma ceksu (macik) to let her know what was going on n she texted me back saying that I should go back to sleep n call her in da morning to see how things were progressing. ..Was she serious??tp tapela..sbb ceksu kan bidan..hehe..so I tried to sleep for another half an hour, but by that time da contractions has intensified,1 rumah bangun n mak dah siapkan nasi goreng untuk aku n naim awal2 lg...terima kasih mak!syg mak sgt2!naim pon dah siap mandi sume...time ni aku still rase mcm xpcaye yg dah mcm smpai mase nk deliver baby..hanya Tuhan yg tau mcm mane perasaan aku..serius..suka ade,takut lgilah ade..haih..During this time naim ran around da house collecting all of da things we'd need to take with us,sume naim yang buatkan sbb aku mmg xdpt byk gerak pon..die pon sebok suh aku baring je.....so aku just rilex2 kat bilik je..muka naim dah nampak risau gile..hehehe,takut ye nak teman syg deliver nanti..ekeke...
lam 730 am gerak p hosp,before gerak sempat lg men kejar2 ngn si cici..terlepas keluar rumah plak si kecik ni..dlm 15 min jgk naim n ayah crikan cici..adeh.....bila dah smpai hosp,ceksu pon dah masuk shift die dah..tunggu punye tunggu (mase nilah dpt tgok mcm2 gelagat org nk beranak n tgah duk *enjoy*contractions..errrhhh..seram ok)..sembang2 n lepak ngn macik aku dlu,then kejap2 aku bgun lepak ngn naim...aku tau time ni beliau sgt2 nk try to make me feel relax aje....tq syg..hmm,dlm kol 9lebih mcm tu..I was admitted to bilik mawar,bed no 3,sedih sbb xdpt blik umah,tp xpe..demi keselamatan baby,anything for u syg,so mase inform kat naim,aku nampak kerisauan dimata die,tiba2 rasa syahdu...syg sgt2 berterima kasih pada abg sbb byk sgt2 mmbantu,dr awal mengandung sampaila ke saat2 kelahiran,dari mula2 tau positif semua benda dah start,xdpt bau mcm2,xdpt mkn mcm2,xdpt buat mcm2,smpai lah nk deliver xdpt nk gerak byk...abg sgt2 byk tolong syg...masakkan untuk syg,kemaskan rumah kita..layankan karenah syg...yg kdg2 xlogik tu..terima kasih ye abg...sampaikan syg rse,*mampuke aku buat ape yg suami aku buat sekarang kalau ditakdirkan aku sebagai seorang suami..*
Syg bersyukur sbb jodoh bersama abg,kenal abg...dpt memiliki suami mcm abg..sbb syg tau..bkn semua lelaki mampu laksanakan ape yg abg dah buat..bukan semua suami dpt lakukan ape yg abg dah tunaikan.. Cinta,kasih syg abg pada syg mmg dah terbukti...dari dulu..tp layanan abg pada syg sepanjang keisha dalam kandungan...buat kasih syg pada abg semakin bertambah,cinta abg pada syg yg melimpah ruah buat syg betul2 sujud bersyukur pada Nya..alhamdulillah...semoga berkekalan sampai syurga hendaknya....
hehe..jum cont cite..around noon, I started feeling a little defeated.. Ma contractions didn't seem to be getting any closer together *sakit main2 bak kata mak mertua aku ..they were still 3-5 minutes apart. .. *da time in between contractions is amazing...I had read before that I would get "rests" in between contractions, but I figured that it would be kind of like when u stub ur toe...after a bit, da immediate pain goes away, but there's still da slight throbbing of where da pain occurred, but no...da resting time in between contractions is AMAZING...tp bila sakit tu dtg balik..hanya Allah swt yg MAHA MENGETAHUI...YA ALLAH..ALLAH MAHA BESAR..
So dari mula check in sampai ke malam...
ma suprise, da pain makin sakit,makin sakit..I don't know whether is it because ma pain tolerance has increased or because of ketuban darah..sakit..sangat..sangat..tp aku tahan sampailah ke malam..naim n family xputus dtg bagi semangat...dan sgt buat aku makin semangat nk deliver cpt2..last check 1cm mase mula2 check in pagi tu...tp dlm skit2 tu..makan still selera,hehehe..mak mertua kesayangan bawakkan ayam masak kicap,sambal udang n kari ayam special...sedappp..ptg plak,aku request mak ngn ayah belikan pau..Mkn dan makan..makan dan makan..
Lepak atas katil,tahan sakit..n sembang ngn kak fiza,facebooking..twitter sambil mulut tak henti dgn bacaan surah2 amalan masa mengandung dan ayat2 untuk mudahkan bersalin...sakit mmg brtmbh,tp malas nk 'check jalan'hehehe,so tahan punya tahan....

around 11.30 pm-130 am
Sampaila tahap sangat2 xtahan..aku terus p check jalan,wow,da 3cm...balik ke katil,xdpt duk diam,minum air zamzam,sapu minyak selusuh,bace ayat2 amalan..then...mase ni kak nass ade call,sempat sembang kejap je sbb dah semput n sgt dah xtahan..

Ok..sgt xtahan,so p check jalan lagi,nurse terkejut gile sbb aku tahan sakit sampai dah 6cm...!mane aku tau...
Nurse terus bawak masuk labour room ngn wheelchair,then mase otw ke labour room aku cpt2 call naim...sbb die balik umah kejap..*(nasib baik umah mertua belakang hosp je..)*Die mcm xcaye...huhuhu..abg oh abg..sgt comel bila syg tengah ckp dah nak deliver tapi abg boleh tanye *betul ke ni,betul ke ni..kalo dekat2 time tu syg cubit abg kuat2 tau!
I was brought to labour room...Dilation 7 cm...What a fast progress!
Mase ni aku tgok jam lam labour room tepat kol 2 am...
Water bag was broken,nurse yg tlg buatkan,xsmpt nk call makcik aku nk suh die conduct baby pon..hehehe...Then,dilation from 7,8,9,10 cm..
Suddenly I feel da urge to push,before naim masuk,aku dah start push,nurse mintak hold dlu..oo mmg xla kan.....right after naim masuk n letakkan tangan die kat ubun2 aku...serius masa tu aku ingat pesanan si mommy ammar..*fikir sakit ni nikmat,sakit ni pengorbanan yg paling indah untuk suami tercinta..so smgt tu sgt dtg plus xsbr nk tgok muka baby,tips ni sgt2 lah berkesan sbb buat kite lupe rasa sakit,sbb rasa xsbr nk deliver tu dah atasi rasa sakit contractions....tq for sharing yatie..
da nurse checked on ma cervix. "Ok, dah ready.." and she told me,teran lg ili.. i could not bear da need to push any longer for da 2nd time..so..push jela,mase tu dgr suara naim bagi semangat xputus2,terima kasih sayang...
What happened next was really strange,hahaha,I heard maself *erggghhhhhhhhhhhhh**erggghhhhhhh*...I didn't know I was going to...but I just took a huge breath, squeezed ma eyes closed, n put every bit of strength I had into pushing with all ma might,n then, whoosh! da baby slithered out like a slippery fish...It was such a funny, unexpected, amazing, thrilling feeling...tp naim ade cakap aku tersenyum masa ni,fuhh,mau xsenyumm bila dgr suara keisha nangis...mcm xpercaya baby dah selamat keluar!then bila aku pandang muka naim yg sgt2 excited dpt tgok baby keluar tu..tetiba terpikir...
Tak sangka budak comot yang aku kenal dari darjah 5 ni sekarang tengah temankan aku dalam labour room!tengah duk kasi semangat suh aku push,serius mcm xpercaya cptnye masa berlalu sbb rase mcm baru smlm je kawen!hahaha...

At 2.26 am
2x push...Our one & only princess was born! She is a healthy baby..alhamdulillah...aku ingat lagi muka naim mase baby dah selamat keluar,senyuman die,hanya Allah swt yg tau...*anak kita selamat dah syg..comel sgt...terima kasih syg..*kata2 naim buat aku sgt2 lega,1st time dpt peluk keisha masa naim letakkan kat atas dada..gembira dalam hatini..xterungkap dgn kata2, bulatje mata keisha mase naim bisikkan kan azan dan iqamat kt telinga die...alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah...terasa hilang segala kesakitan tatkala memandang bukti cinta kami..hangatnye ciuman dari seorang suami masa tu membuatkan aku rasa..seolah2 kami berdua yg paling bahagia dgn kehadiran cinta hati si keisha...keisha,mommy dan papa syg keisha sgt!
Suke sgt tgok masa naim pegang baby n panggil2 baby dgn name keisha...act,dr dlm perut pon kitorang dah panggil name keisha...hehehehe...Mommy syg keisha..syg syg abg sgt...i love both of u so muchh!Melahirkan *bukti cinta antara suami dan isteri...bukan mudah..*Was it hard work? Yes!! But, was it worth it? Absolutely!I would without hesitation do it exactly da same way da next time around...hehe,insyaallah..
Welcome to da family, ma dear Keisha... You are our precious gem that mommy n papa have been waiting for. You complete us...love u so much syg...

Name : Keisha Malaeka binti Mohd Naim....
DOB : 15 January 2012,a day after due date..
Weight at Birth : 3.07 kg
Length at Birth : 52cms

*Suara dia boleh tahan..lantang..reminds me a lot of naim...Hehehe..

ok..wallpaper lappy,ipad,and both papa n mommy nye bb dah tukar gambar keisha ok!

we love u sayang..!

Day 24,keisha siap2 nak balik from umah wan papa to umah wan mommy!
mata keisha still nampak swollen ag...sembap je kan on her 1st day..tp serius,doc pon tegur,*mata anak awak ni bulat terkedip2 mcm budak umo sebulan..bukan sehari..*

okey...batman+superman vs powerpuff girls!!hoppppp hopppppp yeahh!

tq sume...!!!!

thanks for coming sume..sorry sbb ade yg xsempat snap mase dtg eh, :(

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My husband and our unborn child is so precious to me!

Feeling good. ..sgt brselera..now dah 65 kg..houuh..
Although I do feel like I get tired easily...bukan malas tau....I cannot stay still for long at all...kaki pon dah swollen,smpai mcm kaki gajah,muahaha..
Having braxton hicks contractions a couple times a day...fake contraction..yg ni mase 1st kena..sgt menakutkan,,ingtkan dah smpai mase,rupenye..fake contraction saje,hehehe..
Sleeping well...Maybe a little too well..
I am pretty sure I don't move at all..When I wake up to go to da bathroom I am still on da same side I fell asleep on..da masuk 34 weeks lagi mr husband akan bangun sekali temankan saye ke toilet..:) tq abg..
Still amazed at all the movement this baby does. I love watching my stomach when you can see it from the outside. It never seems to gets old. It is just a miracle that there is a little human inside..Alhamdulillah..syukur..
Constantly entertained by stranger's comments...It is fun that strangers usually strike up a conversation about pregnancy or ask me when I'm due, etc...
Sometimes people like to guess what I am having..hehehe..hehehe,dah 2 x confirm dah pun :)
I can't believe it is getting so close to her due date!da latest checkup doc kate,uri dah matang,if nak deliver sekarang pon boleh..hehehe...anytime from now...seriously xsabar...harini mr husbandp belikan set bersalin,hm...rindu sungguh saye pada beliau...berjauhan buat saye sangat emo.. :( * to be safe,let's blame it all on da hormon!i'm human after all..
kesian naim melayan perangai mak buyung ni..hehehe..ma hubby always has been a great guy,neva complaint,not even once,i am so lucky to marry him..it's become more exciting becoz baby appears to be responding to Naim's questions n comments!air mata ni asyik nak jatuh je stiap kali he talks to our unborn child..rase sangat-sangat,,sekejap nye mase berlalu,dr zmn berkawan,zmn skolah..zmn bercinta,berkahwin n now dah ade zuriat pewaris beliau..hm,i wish u r here syg,or i am there,,gile rindu ma hommies!!miss u badly!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ma daily schedule

so here is ma daily schedule:
1. sleep in till whenever I want..
2. eat breakfast byk2..
3. godek ipad till ma eyeballs go dry..
4. play games if there's nothing nice on TV...
5. eat snacks,layan you tube...
6. zzzzzzz...

1. watch TV...
2. godek ipad lagi...
3. eat lunch while reading any novels...
4. watch some more TV...
5. nap...

1. watch TV (officially a couch potato)...
2. eat snacks...lalala...
3. spend time wif family...
4. eat dinner...
5. stay up while watching whatever there is on the TV...

so yeah, basically thats all I do...there's nothing to go out to in ma hometown, with a slow internet connection, I've been feeling lazy to go online..yelah,da terbiasa ngan unifi,now gune P1 Wimax,erghhh...plus,dpt jmpa naim skali sminggu saje...xsabar nk jmpa beliau jumaat ni..
anyway, yeah, its been really boring but, having da luxury to just relax n spend some time wif ma family, its priceless~

Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm officially unemployed now!

Ma belly has grown bigger now n I'm starting to get uncomfortable from da weight & da pressure of my belly...
Ma back is killing me! Literally!!
I feel like a disabled n helpless, and it's driving me mad!! So much to do n I just can't do it...
I think ma baby has dropped down, I don't know if the head has engaged I will need the doctor to tell me by using ultrasound scan...
I can't tell if da pain comes from da head rubbing da pelvic floor muscles or if it comes from ma back problem...
I do notice that from around early 33 weeks ma heartburn seemed to ease down...
Oh, I've gained 16 kg now... Poor ma back & pelvis...from 44kg n now 60
I'm officially unemployed now I have more time to put ma feet up & relax...
Until I get bored, of course, then I'll find something to do..30 more days ++ to go now..
I stay home most of da time which driving me crazy.
Now I'm proud to so that I've experienced something I thought I wouldn't,BOREDOM!
But, hey.. I shall enjoy it !!coz Soon da little one will not let me have time for ma own as per ma mom,ma mil n
kak nass always said,so here I am bored as hell but happy... :D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

32 weeks same dengan 8 bulan

smlm p check up...baby sihat alhamdulillah,as per wut doc said,baby da getting lower,position normal,n air ketuban banyak.....n today I am 32 weeks n 1 day pregnant...this means I have a minimum of 4 weeks n a maximum of 8 weeks to give birth if she is not overdue...It's actually really exciting n I can't quite believe that I am going to be a mummy very soon. :)
Each week ma bump is getting bigger n it's becoming harder to move about, I'm still fine but mmg bloated je xkira masa...All is good apart from da occasional heartburn n shortness of breath, I just can't wait to meet the little one! excited..tp agak nebes..hehehe..harini kat opis..jmpa dgn Boss tersayang.. ma lovely boss approved ma new request for maternity leave...Thank u Sha..so..ma last day will be on next Wednesday. .:Yippee:. I'm praying this isn't too early...I'm going to spend da time before she arrives relaxing n doing any last minute preparations...yg paling mummy excited nk deco bilik baby,tp maybe xdpt nk buat byk bnda..just kasi idea kat papa je..so,yg implement,yg buat sume papa ye..
erm..harini paling teruk smpai rasa mcm nak mintak balik..tp bertahan..n now da 3.18,i think,sayang nak balik...MC,malam ni if teruk lagi baru p clinic...
aurgh..semputttt aje...sampai naim suke perli,sbb tarik nafas je ade sound kan..hahaha..sorry ye..mummy da jadik dragon...
benda yg paling menakutkan...I have been having a few contractions da past couple of days.. takut mula2,then call mak..mak cakap tu normal,unless kalo xde buat pape then tetiba sakit ..itu mmg labour pain...urm,kuss semangat.....nanti ade masa update lagi... :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

May Allah swt bless all ur kindness...ameen..

Well hello everyone :p Blogging seems not tat fun anymore n it has nothing to do wif pregnancy hormones.
But still, i love reading others…n yes, facebook is a medium for me to play games n twitter is ma private gossip corner…hehehe..
So, I'm not that good wif strangers nowadays…Life has been good, semalam makan sate sedap dekat taman dato harun,PJ,p sane lepak ngn ice,asyu,kak lang n jumpa along ambik barang2 baby….along,tq tq tq sgt sbb sponsor byk sgt da things yg we definitely need!!!mcm sleep suits,sleeved suits,short sleeved suits,rompers,socks,hat,mittens and bootees (ngehh..these disappear quickly),baby hood,BABY CAR SEAT,BABY BOUNCER…Byk lg n ade yg ili sendiri tatau ape name pon..hehehe… tq along..tq sgt2…kitorang sgt2 menghargai nya.. love u along..so bila tgok dgn ape yg kitorang da beli ngn ape yg along kasi semuanye da complete..tq to yaya n mimo jugak untuk rompers yg sgt2 comel2…alhamdulillah,rezeki baby sgt murah...
Now that 7 months n a half have flew by, we need to sort out what we REALLY need for our new arrival n for me after birth. So me n naim have outlined FEW list to give us an idea of what we need.. now,tgah planning nk deco bilik baby,hehehe… sumenye akan settle hasil dr titik peluh mummy n papa saje..special tak baby…kan lebih sweet?mummy akan kuarkan sume creativity yg ade ni..bia bilik baby cantik..okey?now kat opis,act,agak pening kepala..td boss ade tegur,tanye nape mata merah n berair mcm sesema…aku ckp ok je..act pening pon mmg xteruk sgt,just rase berdenyut2 sket je..sbb mmg da tau..malam nt msti demam ni..p/s: again alhamdulillah i would like to thank to everyone that has been kind enough to belikan,n kasi kat kitorang all this brg2 baby,,sampai we didnt have to buy any of these..May Allah swt bless all ur kindness...ameen..
Pitcha akan di upload afta da done wif 2nd round pre wash session..